"Elder Law is defined as the legal practice of counseling and representing older persons and their representatives about the legal aspects of health and long-term care planning, the disposition and administration of older persons' estates, the conservation, older persons' legal capacity, surrogate decision-making, public benefits, and the implementation of their decisions concerning such matters." -National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
When creating your plan at Life By Design Estate and Elder Law, we always take into account the aging process and issues that effect individuals as they age, particularly long-term care costs.
Mission Statement
At Life By Design Estate and Elder Law, our mission is to empower individuals and families through education and collaboration, providing personalized estate and elder law planning that aligns with their values. Life By Design Estate and Elder Law is committed to helping clients create comprehensive plans—whether it’s drafting a will, naming a guardian, navigating Medicaid, preparing for long-term care, protecting assets, or making end-of-life healthcare decisions. Together, we will design a plan that meets your needs now and ensures peace of mind for your loved ones in the future.